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Yearly Archives: 2017

How to make custom listener using interface


We are familiar with android listeners… Listeners are used to listen user’s interaction.. As like when a user click a button we use “onClikListener” to listen the button click and do things which are depends on the button click.. Some times we need to capture other components as like visibility …

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TubeMap- An android app to explore the video world!!


One night, I was listening music in youtube. Then suddenly I thought what are the most viewed videos of my country? Which video is most popular in my area?? Which videos are best in a specific country/area? But unfortunately I didn’t find any answer. So suddenly an idea cam to …

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Show networkimageview inside circular imageview


You can use Picasso library with  Circular imageview to show image from url add this 2 file to gradle compile ‘com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2’ compile ‘de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:2.1.0’ then add this line to the xml [crayon-66a4a1afd6516328695273/]   Finally add these lines in onCreate [crayon-66a4a1afd651a858372423/] that’s it.. now you can able to see image from online …

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Android images in emulator is blurry – Android studio

blurry android emulator

Sometimes we found “Android images in emulator is blurry” or not clearly visible at all.. So it will create problem while testing android application from pc or laptop using android emulator.. Now, I’m here to give you a quick solution about blurry android emulator . It will not only solve …

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