Show networkimageview inside circular imageview


You can use Picasso library with  Circular imageview to show image from url add this 2 file to gradle compile ‘com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2’ compile ‘de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:2.1.0’ then add this line to the xml [crayon-66a467d24123c045086754/]   Finally add these lines in onCreate [crayon-66a467d241240118575042/] that’s it.. now you can able to see image from online …

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Android images in emulator is blurry – Android studio

blurry android emulator

Sometimes we found “Android images in emulator is blurry” or not clearly visible at all.. So it will create problem while testing android application from pc or laptop using android emulator.. Now, I’m here to give you a quick solution about blurry android emulator . It will not only solve …

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How to change fab(floating action bar) color android


Floating action bar is an attractive implementation in android material design. Any one can do special activity with the help of this button. How to change floating action bar(fab) color as android developer: Method 1: Change floating action bar(fab) color in xml: To change floating action bar(fab) color just follow …

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